Search Results: Governance and Trustee Effectiveness

10 results:

Broadening Horizons

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

Our client had decided to conduct a review of their scheme governance and trustee effectiveness. However, the process they went through with a competitor of ours was challenging, dispiriting and produced a quite damning verdict. Nonetheless, the trustee had worked through the recommendations and were now ready to re-assess where they were. We were appointed because we were able to demonstrate an awareness of the sensitivities inherent in any such exercise: the need to balance competing interests, understand different views and personalities, and to create an open, supportive and collaborative exchange of opinions and views.

5 benefits of getting to grips with good governance

11 Dec 2023


Governance isn’t just for trustee boards – it’s the very essence of teamwork, leadership and effectiveness. But when we think of focusing on pension scheme governance, all too often it’s associated with fixing things that have already gone awry. It shouldn’t be like that. Governance is the cornerstone of effectiveness, good decision making and achieving objectives and it is the foundation of delivering good member outcomes

Competence and Integrity

5 Jul 2021


Competence and integrity are two capacities and values which are as vital as they are difficult to define. Here we try and define each, establishing why they are both equally important skills to have across a trustee boards.

What is the right DC scheme for you?

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

The sponsor had put in place a contract based scheme early in the 2000s, and had changed provider in 2007. As the scheme had grown and become the main scheme for employees, and the governance committee had taken a more active role in the scheme, it was becoming clear that the solution was not matching the needs of the sponsor nor the scheme members.

Assessing Trustee Effectiveness

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

Self-assessment is reliant on objectivity; an ability to detach yourself from the daily rigours of trusteeship, to take an impartial look at the way you work, to be open-minded to ideas and challenge the established procedures, and to retain neutrality against criticism.

Governance: Think cycles, not boxes

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

Governance is becoming better understood, and more clearly defined. It encompasses everything about governing the scheme. But with a busy agenda to manage, trustees can fall into the trap of overlooking the importance of maintaining effective governance review processes. Some may find it a challenge to prevent governance review processes becoming a periodic box-ticking exercise. Trustees must keep their minds open to what is changing around them and for the need to improve governance.

Levelling up – is it doable?

14 Feb 2020


Following the government’s HS2 announcement you could say levelling up is also what TPR is doing on trusteeship and governance. TPR wants to see proof of good and proportionate governance, in a landscape with fewer schemes. Trustees will have to show they’re up to the job. They may need to exit if they can’t get up to speed.

Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Are you still making good decisions?

18 May 2020


Covid-19 has thrown up a lot of issues and a lot of urgent decisions have been made. But other things will have been forgotten. Is it now time to start thinking about the important as much as the urgent?

Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Trustee decision-making and governance post lockdown

2 Jul 2020


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge effect on all industries, literally all. Pensions trustees have had to adapt to this new world with very little warning. So where do we go from here and what governance lessons can be learned?

Pensions Dashboards; how to make best use of the reset

15 May 2022


Whilst the Pension Dashboard Programme is being reset, there is a great opportunity to get ahead. All schemes will have to connect, and if you delay now, you will find yourself in a queue, rushing to complete the work as the final deadline approaches. That will cost more and increase the chances of upsetting TPR. In this article, we have set out some ideas for making the most of the time afforded by the reset.